
Crane Runways - Repair, Modernization, Overhaul

Przedsiębiorstwo HAK Sp. z o.o., a crane manufacturer, offers repair, overhaul, and modernization services for crane runways on steel substrates, executed in any system in compliance with device technical and operational documentation (DTR), instructions, and standards.

Scope of Repairs, Modernizations, and Overhauls:

  • geodetic Inventory of Crane Runways: Analysis of deviations with a technical opinion and graphic report,
  • preparation of Documentation: Development of repair and modernization plans for crane runways in reference to existing and planned cranes, including technical expertise on load-bearing capacity and the condition of the crane tracks,
  • execution of Repairs and Modernizations: Performed according to developed documentation in both flexible and traditional systems using advanced structural repair technologies,
  • rail Jointing and Crack Repairs: Narrow-gap welding of crane runway rail cracks and joints,
  • repair and Rectification of Existing Runway Systems: Adjustment to meet the requirements of applicable standards, instructions, and device technical and operational documentation (DTR).

Our work complies with all relevant regulations and standards. We adapt crane runways and cranes to the production processes of our clients, conducting work during plant operation, in stages, at any time of day or night. This includes developing a working instruction for operations in collision conditions.


Gantry crane runway before overhaul Gantry crane runway after overhaul

Overhauled gantry crane runway

Overhauled gantry crane runway with GANTRAIL flexible rail fixing system

Overhauled overhead crane runway with GANTRAIL flexible rail fixing system Overhauled overhead crane runway with GANTRAIL flexible rail fixing system
  • Crane Runways - Repair, Modernization, Overhaul
  • Crane Runways - Repair, Modernization, Overhaul
  • Crane Runways - Repair, Modernization, Overhaul
  • Crane Runways - Repair, Modernization, Overhaul
  • Crane Runways - Repair, Modernization, Overhaul
  • Crane Runways - Repair, Modernization, Overhaul
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See also

Machinery and equipment design, consulting services
Overhead cranes - repair, modernization, overhaul
Weights - rental, load tests
Tower cranes, mobile cranes, forklifts - structural repair
Crane Runways - Repair, Modernization, Overhaul
Lifting Devices - Compliance with Machinery Requirements
Cranes - special inspection, services
Crane equipment - inspections, repairs, legalizations

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