
Crane tracks

HAK Enterprise Research and Development Center

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Crane runways are specialized rail structures on which wheeled cranes, such as overhead cranes, jib cranes, transport platforms, hoists, and winches, operate. Crane runways are designed to safely and durably transfer the loads generated by these devices during operation.

Crane runways can be either self-supporting (such as reinforced concrete foundations or self-supporting crane trestles) or part of a larger structural system, such as buildings with supports for short-range transport. They can be categorized based on the construction material, the type of substructure forming the base of the runway, and the elevation level of the tracks.

HAK Sp. z o.o. designs and manufactures all types of crane runways on various foundations. We provide services in designing and constructing runways along with substructures, as well as conducting assessments, repairs, and modernization of crane runways. HAK Sp. z o.o. is also the exclusive Polish distributor of GANTRAIL flexible rail fastening system components and technology.

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