- Rail Vehicle Manufacturing Industry
- Rail Transport and Railway Infrastructure
- Galvanizing
- Warehouse Logistics and Material Storage
- Metallurgical Industry
- Electromechanical Industry
- Waste Management Industry
- Wood and Paper Industry
- Fuel and Energy Industry
- Construction industry
- Chemical and Plastics Industry
- Industrial Automation
- Mining industry
- Shipbuilding and port industry
- Light Industry
Warehouse Logistics and Material Storage
HAK Sp. z o.o. designs and manufactures materials handling equipment for comprehensive warehouse and storage yard management within technological lines.
We create solutions for material management from receiving the load, through unloading or transshipment, to storage and order picking within warehouse spaces. We offer both large cranes equipped with accessories tailored for specific loads, column cranes with rigid load guiding, and smaller equipment such as spreaders or transport grips. We develop comprehensive loading and unloading systems, as well as material transport between production lines and warehouses, including automatic systems.
We deliver fully functional products wherever custom solutions are required to meet the unique characteristics of a given operation. We use advanced control systems and technical innovations to maximize functionality and safety.
Applications of equipment dedicated to warehouse logistics:
- Loading, transshipment, and unloading of materials
- Transport and storage of loads within the warehouse area
- Operation of material and goods storage systems
- Transport of loads between warehouses and technological lines