- Rail Vehicle Manufacturing Industry
- Rail Transport and Railway Infrastructure
- Galvanizing
- Warehouse Logistics and Material Storage
- Metallurgical Industry
- Electromechanical Industry
- Waste Management Industry
- Wood and Paper Industry
- Fuel and Energy Industry
- Construction industry
- Chemical and Plastics Industry
- Industrial Automation
- Mining industry
- Shipbuilding and port industry
- Light Industry
In the offer from HAK SP. z o.o., we have included a wide range of solutions for the hot-dip galvanizing process.
HAK SP. z o.o.'s equipment for galvanizing includes comprehensive systems that facilitate the transport of loads at all stages of the technological line. We manufacture, among other things, cranes for handling furnace or acid zones, galvanizing lifting beams, stands for lifting beams, and also cross-rail trolleys for transporting lifting beams between different galvanizing zones. All equipment is produced with consideration for the customer's requirements and is protected according to the specific conditions of use.
We provide fully functional products wherever customized solutions are necessary to meet the unique characteristics of a given operation. We utilize advanced control systems and technical innovations to maximize functionality and safety.
Applications of equipment dedicated to the galvanizing industry:
- transport of loads in all galvanizing zones – in acid chambers, furnace chambers, molding and demolding areas, and auxiliary zones,
- lifts,
- handling of lifting beams in the galvanizing area,
- cross-rail transport of lifting beams,
- unloading and loading of lifting beams,
- storage of lifting beams.